Enjoying Onsen/Hot Spring in Bangka Island

Friday, August 10, 2018

(sorry, took the photos by phone only)

Kalau kalian berpikir Onsen/hot spring hanya ada di Jawa, Jepang/negara luar sana apapun itu, kalian salah besar.
Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya sempat menikmati hot spring yang paling alami yang pernah saya coba. Berlokasi di belakang kampung yang bahkan gak terkenal dan susah dieja namanya, hahaha, hot spring ini gak terawat sama sekali alias masih alami banget, banget. Tempatnya dikelilingi pohon-pohon dan semak belukar, dan sangat susah dijangkau. Belum lagi tanah licin yang harus dilalui sepanjang perjalanan. Tapi itu gak menyurutkan niat kami untuk kesana, hehee.

Dan ketika kami sampai di hot spring ini, gila cantiiiiiiikkkkk bangeeeettttt!!!!! Tempatnya sangat alami, luas, sepi, dan seger! Mungkin bisa disebut mata air panas alami *sisipkan senyum di sini* Saat itu hanya ada kami bertiga, jadi kami menikmati tempat ini sendiri selama beberapa jam. Kalau hujan gak turun saat itu, mungkin kami gak akan pulang-pulang deh. LOL. Kalian bisa lihat uap air panasnya gak? Itu cantik banget, saya harap kami masih bisa menikmati tempat ini lagi tahun depan, dan semoga penambang timah gak merusak tempat ini. Amien.

Tapi maaf ya, tempatnya tidak bisa saya sebutkan sebelum tahun depan ke sana lagi. WKWKWKWK. 



If you think that Onsen/hot spring only exists in Java, Japan/overseas country you named it, well you're totally wrong.
Back in few months ago, I was able to enjoy the most natural hot spring I've ever tried. Located in the back of nonsense village in Bangka Island (well, it's not even famous and hard to spell, lol), this hot spring is faaaaaarrrr from being touch. The place is surrounded by trees and groves, and pretty hard to find. Not to mention the slippy soil all the way long. But it couldn't stop us to get there, lol.

And when we got there, it was incredibly beautiful! I mean, it is so natural, large, quiet, and so fresh! It is the real hot spring *insert big smiles here* There were only three of us, so we enjoy the hot spring ourselves for hours. If only rain didn't fall, we probably won't go home at that moment. LOL.
Can you see the steam from the photos? It's so damn beautiful, I wish we could enjoy this place again net year *fingercrossed* Just silently hope that the tin-miner won't touch this place.

But, sorry I won't tell the name of the place before I go there again net year. LOL.


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  1. Take in the Scenery: Many onsens are located in picturesque settings, so take the time to appreciate the natural beauty around you.
    Capture the Moment: Consider taking photos (respecting others' privacy) to document your experience.


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